2025 Heading link
- Shaiban Ahmed, Taeyoon Son, Guangying Ma, Xincheng Yao, Polarization optical coherence tomography optoretinography: verifying light-induced photoreceptor outer segment shrinkage and subretinal space expansion, Neurophoton. 12(1), 015005 (2025), doi: 10.1117/1.NPh.12.1.015005. [Full text]
- Albert K. Dadzie, Sabrina P. Iddir, Sanjay Ganesh, Behrouz Ebrahimi, Mojtaba Rahimi, Mansour Abtahi, Taeyoon Son, Michael J. Heiferman, Xincheng Yao, Artificial intelligence in the diagnosis of uveal melanoma: advances and applications, Experimental Biology and Medicine. [Full text]
2024 Heading link
- Mojtaba Rahimi, Alfa Rossi, Taeyoon Son, Tobiloba Adejumo, Albert K. Dadzie, Michael J. Heiferman, and Xincheng Yao. High dynamic range widefield fundus photography with transcranial illumination: a contrast agent-free method for non-mydriatic choroidal imaging. Biomedical Optics Express. 2024;16(1):84-96. [Full text]
- Alfa Rossi, Devrim Toslak, Muhammet Kazim Erol, Mojtaba Rahimi, Taeyoon Son, R. V. Paul Chan, and Xincheng Yao. Affordable ultra-widefield smartphone PedCam for comprehensive pediatric retinal examination. Biomedical Optics Express. 2024;15(11):6171-82. doi: 10.1364/BOE.537633. [Full text]
- Albert K. Dadzie, David Le, Mansour Abtahi, Behrouz Ebrahimi, Tobiloba Adejumo, Taeyoon Son, Michael J. Heiferman, Jennifer I. Lim, and Xincheng Yao. “OCTA-ReVA: an open-source toolbox for comprehensive retinal vessel feature analysis in optical coherence tomography angiography”. Biomedical Optics Express. 2024;15(10):6010-23. doi: 10.1364/BOE.537727. [Full text]
- Mansour Abtahi; David Le; Behrouz Ebrahimi; Albert K. Dadzie; Mojtaba Rahimi; Yi-Ting Hsieh; Michael J. Heiferman; Jennifer I. Lim; Xincheng Yao. “Differential Capillary and Large Vessel Analysis Improves OCTA Classification of Diabetic Retinopathy”. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 2024;65(10):20-. [Full text]
- Shaiban Ahmed, Taeyoon Son, Xincheng Yao, “Polarization-resolved analysis of outer retinal bands: investigating ballistic and multiply scattered photons using full-field swept-source optical coherence tomography,” Biomedical Optics Express 15(8), 4749-4763 (2024). [Full text]
- Behrouz Ebrahimi, David Le, Mansour Abtahi, Albert K. Dadzie, Alfa Rossi, Mojtaba Rahimi, Taeyoon Son, Susan Ostmo, J. Peter Campbell, R. V. Paul Chan, Xincheng Yao, “Assessing spectral effectiveness in color fundus photography for deep learning classification of retinopathy of prematurity,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 29(7), 076001-076001 (2024). [Full text]
- Faruk Hossen, Xue Geng, Grace Y Sun, Xincheng Yao, James C Lee, “Oligomeric Amyloid-β and Tau Alter Cell Adhesion Properties and Induce Inflammatory Responses in Cerebral Endothelial Cells Through the RhoA/ROCK Pathway,” Molecular Neurobiology, 1-18 (2024).[Full text]
- M. Abtahi, D. Le, B. Ebrahimi, A. K. Dadzie, M. Rahimi, Y. Hsieh, M. J. Heiferman, J. I. Lim, and X. Yao, “Differential artery-vein analysis improves the OCTA classification of diabetic retinopathy,” Biomedical Optics Express 15(6), 3889-3899 (2024).[Full text]
- Dadzie AK, Iddir SP, Abtahi M, Ebrahimi B, Le D, Ganesh S, Son T, Heiferman MJ, Yao X. Colour fusion effect on deep learning classification of uveal melanoma. Eye. 2024. doi: 10.1038/s41433-024-03148-4.[Full text]
- Mojtaba Rahimi, Alfa Rossi, Taeyoon Son, Albert K. Dadzie, Behrouz Ebrahimi, Mansour Abtahi, Michael J. Heiferman, Xincheng Yao; Multispectral Fundus Photography of Choroidal Nevi With Trans-Palpebral Illumination. Trans. Vis. Sci. Tech. 2024;13(3):25.[Full text]
- Taeyoon Son, Guangying Ma, and Xincheng Yao, “Functional OCT reveals anisotropic changes of retinal flicker-evoked vasodilation,” Opt. Lett. 49, 2121-2124 (2024).[Full text]
- Rossi, Alfa, Yushun Zeng, Mojtaba Rahimi, Taeyoon Son, Michael J. Heiferman, Chen Gong, Xin Sun, Mohammad Soleimani, Ali R. Djalilian, Mark S. Humayun, and et al. 2024. “Integrating a Fundus Camera with High-Frequency Ultrasound for Precise Ocular Lesion Assessment” Biosensors 14, no. 3: 127.[Full text]
- Le, D., Son, T., Kim, TH. et al. Deep learning-based optical coherence tomography angiography image construction using spatial vascular connectivity network. Commun Eng 3, 28 (2024). [Full text]
- Ding Jie, Tae-Hoon Kim, Guangying Ma and Xincheng Yao (2024) “Intrinsic signal optoretinography of dark adaptation abnormality due to rod photoreceptor degeneration.” Exp. Biol. Med. 249:10024. doi: 10.3389/ebm.2024.10024.[Full text]
2023 Heading link
- Adejumo, Tobiloba , Guangying Ma, Taeyoon Son, Tae-Hoon Kim, David Le, Albert K Dadzie, Shaiban Ahmed, and Xincheng Yao, “Adaptive vessel tracing and segmentation in OCT enables the robust detection of wall-to-lumen ratio abnormalities in 5xFAD mice,” Biomed. Opt. Express 14, 6350-6360 (2023).[Full text]
- Rossi, Alfa, Mojtaba Rahimi, Taeyoon Son, R. V. Paul Chan, Michael J. Heiferman, and Xincheng Yao, “Preserving polarization maintaining photons for enhanced contrast imaging of the retina,” Biomed. Opt. Express 14, 5932-5945 (2023).[Full text]
- Rahimi, Mojtaba, Alfa Rossi, Taeyoon Son, Devrim Toslak, David Le, Mansour Abtahi, Michael J. Heiferman, R. V. Paul Chan, and Xincheng Yao, “Evaluating spatial dependency of the spectral efficiency in trans-palpebral illumination for widefield fundus photography,” Biomed. Opt. Express 14, 5629-5641 (2023).[Full text]
- Ma, Guangying, Tae-Hoon Kim, Taeyoon Son, Jie Ding, Shaiban Ahmed, Tobiloba Adejumo, and Xincheng Yao, “Intrinsic signal optoretinography revealing AD-induced retinal photoreceptor hyperexcitability before a detectable morphological abnormality,” Opt. Lett. 48, 5129-5132 (2023).[Full text]
- Ebrahimi, Behrouz, David Le, Mansour Abtahi, Albert K. Dadzie, Jennifer I. Lim, RV Paul Chan, and Xincheng Yao. “Optimizing the OCTA layer fusion option for deep learning classification of diabetic retinopathy.” Biomedical Optics Express 14, no. 9 (2023): 4713-4724. [Full text]
- Le, David, Mansour Abtahi, Tobiloba Adejumo, Behrouz Ebrahimi, Albert K Dadzie, Taeyoon Son, and Xincheng Yao.”Deep learning for artery–vein classification in optical coherence tomography angiography.” Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2023;0(0). doi:10.1177/15353702231181182. [Full text]
- Sugasini, Dhavamani, Jason C. Park, J. Jason McAnany, Tae-Hoon Kim, Guangying Ma, Xincheng Yao, Babu Antharavally et al. “Improvement of retinal function in Alzheimer disease-associated retinopathy by dietary lysophosphatidylcholine-EPA/DHA.” Scientific Reports 13, no. 1 (2023): 9179.[Full text]
- Kadakia, Arya, Junhang Zhang, Xincheng Yao, Qifa Zhou, and Michael J. Heiferman. “Ultrasound in ocular oncology: Technical advances, clinical applications, and limitations.” Experimental Biology and Medicine (2023): 15353702231169539.[Full Text]
- Abtahi, Mansour, David Le, Behrouz Ebrahimi, Albert K. Dadzie, Jennifer I. Lim, and Xincheng Yao. “An open-source deep learning network AVA-Net for arterial-venous area segmentation in optical coherence tomography angiography.” Communications Medicine 3, no. 1 (2023): 54.[Full text]
- Dadzie, Albert K., David Le, Mansour Abtahi, Behrouz Ebrahimi, Taeyoon Son, Jennifer I. Lim, Xincheng Yao.”Normalized Blood Flow Index in Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography Provides a Sensitive Biomarker of Early Diabetic Retinopathy.” Trans. Vis. Sci. Tech. 2023;12(4):3.[Full text]
- Ma, Guangying, Taeyoon Son, Tobiloba Adejumo, and Xincheng Yao. “Rotational Distortion and Compensation in Optical Coherence Tomography with Anisotropic Pixel Resolution.” Bioengineering 10, no. 3 (2023): 313. [Full text]
- Le, David, Taeyoon Son, Tae-Hoon Kim, Tobiloba Adejumo, Mansour Abtahi, Shaiban Ahmed, Alfa Rossi, Behrouz Ebrahimi, Albert Dadzie, and Xincheng Yao. “SVC-Net: A spatially vascular connectivity network for deep learning construction of microcapillary angiography from single-scan-volumetric OCT.” (2023). [Full text]
- Rossi, Alfa, Mojtaba Rahimi, David Le, Taeyoon Son, Michael J. Heiferman, RV Paul Chan, and Xincheng Yao. “Portable widefield fundus camera with high dynamic range imaging capability.” Biomedical Optics Express 14, no. 2 (2023): 906-917. [Full text]
- Le, David, Albert Dadzie, Taeyoon Son, Jennifer I. Lim, and Xincheng Yao. “Comparative Analysis of OCT and OCT Angiography Characteristics in Early Diabetic Retinopathy.” RETINA (2023): 10-1097. [Full text]
2022 Heading link
- Son, Taeyoon, Jiechao Ma, Devrim Toslak, Alfa Rossi, Hoonsup Kim, R. V. Chan, and Xincheng Yao. “Light color efficiency-balanced trans-palpebral illumination for widefield fundus photography of the retina and choroid.” Scientific Reports 12, no. 1 (2022): 1-11. [Full text]
- Abtahi, Mansour, David Le, Jennifer I. Lim, and Xincheng Yao. “MF-AV-Net: an open-source deep learning network with multimodal fusion options for artery-vein segmentation in OCT angiography.” Biomedical Optics Express 13, no. 9 (2022): 4870-4888. [Full text]
- Ahmed, Shaiban, David Le, Taeyoon Son, Tobiloba Adejumo, Xincheng Yao, and Visual Science. “ADC-Net: An Open-Source Deep Learning Network for Automated Dispersion Compensation in Optical Coherence Tomography.” Frontiers in Medicine (2022). [Full text]
- Le, David, Taeyoon Son, Jennifer I. Lim, and Xincheng Yao. “Quantitative optical coherence tomography reveals rod photoreceptor degeneration in early diabetic retinopathy.” Retina 2022. [Full text]
- Kim, Tae-Hoon, Guangying Ma, Taeyoon Son, and Xincheng Yao. “Functional Optical Coherence Tomography for Intrinsic Signal Optoretinography: Recent Developments and Deployment Challenges.” Frontiers in Medicine (2022). [Full text]
- Kim, Tae-Hoon, Jie Ding, and Xincheng Yao. “Intrinsic signal optoretinography of dark adaptation kinetics.” Scientific Reports 12, no. 1 (2022): 1-11. [Full text]
- Ma, Guangying, Jie Ding, Tae-Hoon Kim, and Xincheng Yao. “Quantitative Optical Coherence Tomography for Longitudinal Monitoring of Postnatal Retinal Development in Developing Mouse Eyes.” Applied Sciences 12, no. 4 (2022): 1860. [Full text]
- Yao, Xincheng, Taeyoon Son, and Jiechao Ma. “Developing portable widefield fundus camera for teleophthalmology: Technical challenges and potential solutions.” Experimental Biology and Medicine (2021): 15353702211063477. [Full text]
- Adejumo, Tobiloba, Tae-Hoon Kim, David Le, Taeyoon Son, Guangying Ma, and Xincheng Yao, “Depth-resolved vascular profile features for artery-vein classification in OCT and OCT angiography of human retina,” Biomed. Opt. Express 13, 1121-1130 (2022). [Full text]
- Sun, Michael G., Taeyoon Son, Joseph Crutison, Victor Guaiquil, Shujun Lin, Lara Nammari, Dieter Klatt, Xincheng Yao, Mark I. Rosenblatt, and Thomas J. Royston. “Optical coherence elastography for assessing the influence of intraocular pressure on elastic wave dispersion in the cornea.” Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 128 (2022): 105100.[Full text]
2021 Heading link
- Kim, Tae-Hoon, and Xincheng Yao. “Longitudinal optical coherence tomography and angiography of hyaloid vascular regression in developing mouse eyes.” Photo Acoustic and Optical Coherence Tomography Imaging, Volume 3 (2021). [Full text]
- Alam, Minhaj Nur, David Le, Taeyoon Son, Jennifer I. Lim, and Xincheng Yao. “Quantitative features for objective assessment of OCT angiography.” In Photo Acoustic and Optical Coherence Tomography Imaging, Volume 3: Angiography: an application in vessel imaging. IOP Publishing, 2021. [Full text]
- Yao, Xincheng, Devrim Toslak, Taeyoon Son, and Jiechao Ma, “Understanding the relationship between visual-angle and eye-angle for reliable determination of the field-of-view in ultra-wide field fundus photography,” Biomed. Opt. Express 12, 6651-6659 (2021). [Full text]
- Jiao, Shuliang, Yali Jia, and Xincheng Yao. “Emerging imaging developments in experimental vision sciences and ophthalmology.” Experimental Biology and Medicine (2021): 2021;246(20):2137-2139. [Full text]
- Ansari, Darius, Poulami P. Borkar, Patricia L. Davis, Frederick T. Collison, Niamh Wynne, Nicole Zangler, Gerald A. Fishman, Joseph Carroll, Xincheng Yao, and Michael A. Grassi. “Pathognomonic macular ripples are revealed by polarized infrared retinal imaging.” Experimental Biology and Medicine (2021): 15353702211021089. [Full text]
- Le, David, Taeyoon Son, and Xincheng Yao. “Machine learning in optical coherence tomography angiography.” Experimental Biology and Medicine (2021): 15353702211026581. [Full text]
- Kim, Tae-Hoon, Taeyoon Son, Dieter Klatt, and Xincheng Yao. “Concurrent OCT and OCT angiography of retinal neurovascular degeneration in the 5XFAD Alzheimer’s disease mice.” Neurophotonics 8, no. 3 (2021): 035002. [Full text]
- Yao, Xincheng, Taeyoon Son, Tae-Hoon Kim, and David Le. “Interpretation of anatomic correlates of outer retinal bands in optical coherence tomography.” Experimental Biology and Medicine (2021): 15353702211022674. [Full text]
- Ma, Guangying, Taeyoon Son, Tae-Hoon Kim, and Xincheng Yao. Functional optoretinography: concurrent OCT monitoring of intrinsic signal amplitude and phase dynamics in human photoreceptors. Biomedical optics express 2021;12:2661-69. [Full text]
- Son, Taeyoon, Tae-Hoon Kim, Guangying Ma, Hoonsup Kim, and Xincheng Yao. Functional intrinsic optical signal imaging for objective optoretinography of human photoreceptors. Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 2021;246:639-43 [Full text]
- Yao, Xincheng, Rongwen Lu, Benquan Wang, Yiming Lu, and Tae-Hoon Kim. Super-resolution ophthalmoscopy: Virtually structured detection for resolution improvement in retinal imaging. Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 2021;246:249-59 [Full text]
- Alam, Minhaj Nur, David Le, and Xincheng Yao. Differential artery-vein analysis in quantitative retinal imaging: a review. Quant Imaging Med Surg 2021;11:1102-19 [Full text]
- Alam, Minhaj Nur, David Le, Jennifer I. Lim, and Xincheng Yao. Vascular Complexity Analysis in Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography of Diabetic Retinopathy. Retina 2021;41:538-45 [Full text]
- Ma, Guangying , Taeyoon Son, Tae-Hoon Kim, and Xincheng Yao. “In vivo optoretinography of phototransduction activation and energy metabolism in retinal photoreceptors.” Journal of Biophotonics (2021): e202000462. [Full text]
- Kim, Tae-Hoon, David Le, Taeyoon Son, and Xincheng Yao, “Vascular morphology and blood flow signatures for differential artery-vein analysis in optical coherence tomography of the retina” Biomed. Opt. Express 12, 367-379 (2021) [Full text]
- Lu, Yiming, Taeyoon Son, Tae-Hoon Kim, David Le, and Xincheng Yao, “Virtually structured detection enables super-resolution ophthalmoscopy of rod and cone photoreceptors in human retina,” Quant Imaging Med Surg 2021 [Full text]
2020 Heading link
- Toslak, Devrim, Taeyoon Son, Muhammet Kazim Erol, Hoonsup Kim, Tae-Hoon Kim, R. V. Paul Chan, and Xincheng Yao, “Portable ultra-widefield fundus camera for multispectral imaging of the retina and choroid,” Biomed. Opt. Express 11, 6281-6292 (2020) [Full text].
- Alam, Minhaj, David Le, Taeyoon Son, Jennifer I. Lim, and Xincheng Yao, “AV-Net: deep learning for fully automated artery-vein classification in optical coherence tomography angiography,” Biomed. Opt. Express 11, 5249-5257 (2020) [Full text]
- Kim, Tae-Hoon, Benquan Wang, Yiming Lu, Taeyoon Son, and Xincheng Yao, “Functional optical coherence tomography enables in vivo optoretinography of photoreceptor dysfunction due to retinal degeneration,” Biomed. Opt. Express 11, 5306-5320 (2020) [Full text]
- Yao, Xincheng, and Tae-Hoon Kim. “Fast Intrinsic Optical Signal Correlates with Activation Phase of Phototransduction in Retinal Photoreceptors.” Experimental Biology and Medicine, June 2020 [Full text]
- Le, David, Minhaj Alam, Cham K. Yao, Jennifer I. Lim, Yi-Ting Hsieh, Robison VP Chan, Devrim Toslak, and Xincheng Yao. “Transfer learning for automated OCTA detection of diabetic retinopathy.” Translational Vision Science & Technology 9, no. 2 (2020): 35-35. [Full text]
- Son, Taeyoon, Lei Liu, Devrim Toslak, Juan Liu, and Xincheng Yao, “Holographic waveguide based optometer for the quantitative monitoring of ocular refractive error,” OSA Continuum 3, 620-628 (2020) [Full text]
- Lu, Yiming, Tae-Hoon Kim, and Xincheng Yao. “Comparative Study of Wild-Type and Rd10 Mice Reveals Transient Intrinsic Optical Signal Response before Phosphodiesterase Activation in Retinal Photoreceptors.” Experimental Biology and Medicine 245, no. 4 (February 2020): 360–67. [Full text]
- Yao, Xincheng, Minhaj Nur Alam, David Le, and Devrim Toslak. “Quantitative Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography: A Review.” Experimental Biology and Medicine, (January 2020). [Full text]
- Alam, Minhaj Nur, Yue Zhang, Jennifer I. Lim, Robison VP Chan, Min Yang, and Xincheng Yao. “Quantitative optical coherence tomography angiography features for objective classification and staging of diabetic retinopathy.” Retina 40, no. 2 (2020): 322-332. [Full Text].
- Toslak, Devrim, Felix Chau, Muhammet Kazim Erol, Changgeng Liu, R. V. Paul Chan, Taeyoon Son, and Xincheng Yao, “Trans-pars-planar illumination enables a 200° ultra-wide field pediatric fundus camera for easy examination of the retina,” Biomed. Opt. Express 11, 68-76 (2020) [Full text].
2019 Heading link
- Kim, Tae-Hoon, Taeyoon Son, David Le, Xincheng Yao. “Longitudinal OCT and OCTA monitoring reveals accelerated regression of hyaloid vessels in retinal degeneration 10 (rd10) mice.” Sci Rep 9, 16685 (2019) doi:10.1038/s41598-019-53082-9 [Full text].
- Alam, Minhaj, David Le, Jennifer I. Lim, R.V.P. Chan, Xincheng Yao, “Supervised machine learning based multi-task artificial intelligence classification of retinopathies,” Journal of Clinical Medicine (2019) [Full text].
- Hsieh, Yi-Ting, Minhaj Nur Alam, David Le, Chia-Chieh Hsiao, Chang-Hao Yang, Daniel L. Chao, Xincheng Yao. “Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography Biomarkers for Predicting Visual Outcomes after Ranibizumab Treatment for Diabetic Macular Edema.” Ophthalmology Retina , Volume 3, Issue 10, 826 – 834 (2019) [Full text]
- Liu, Changgeng, Beatrice Pazzucconi, Juan Liu, Lei Liu, and Xincheng Yao. “A holographic waveguide based eye tracking device.” Journal of modern optics 66, no. 12 (2019): 1311-1317.[Full text]
- Kim, Tae-Hoon, Taeyoon Son, and Xincheng Yao. “Functional OCT angiography reveals early physiological dysfunction of hyaloid vasculature in developing mouse eye.” Experimental Biology and Medicine 244, no. 10 (2019): 819-823. [Full text]
- Son, Taeyoon, Minhaj Alam, Tae-Hoon Kim, Changgeng Liu, Devrim Toslak, and Xincheng Yao. “Near infrared oximetry-guided artery–vein classification in optical coherence tomography angiography.” Experimental Biology and Medicine 244, no. 10 (2019): 813-818. [Full text]
- Le, David, Minhaj Alam, Bernadette A. Miao, Jennifer I. Lim, and Xincheng Yao. “Fully automated geometric feature analysis in optical coherence tomography angiography for objective classification of diabetic retinopathy.” Biomedical optics express 10, no. 5 (2019): 2493-2503. [Full text]
- Alam, Minhaj, Devrim Toslak, Jennifer I. Lim, and Xincheng Yao. “OCT feature analysis guided artery-vein differentiation in OCTA.” Biomedical optics express 10, no. 4 (2019): 2055-2066. [Full Text]
- Alam, Minhaj, Jennifer I. Lim, Devrim Toslak, and Xincheng Yao. “Differential artery–vein analysis improves the performance of OCTA staging of sickle cell retinopathy.” Translational vision science & technology 8, no. 2 (2019): 3-3. [Full Text]
- Jin, Xin, Xuemei Ding, Jiubin Tan, Xincheng Yao, Cheng Shen, Xuyang Zhou, Cuimei Tan, Shutian Liu, and Zhengjun Liu. “Structured illumination imaging without grating rotation based on mirror operation on 1D Fourier spectrum.” Optics Express 27, no. 3 (2019): 2016-2028. [Full Text]
2018 Heading link
- Yao, Xincheng, Taeyoon Son, Tae-Hoon Kim, and Yiming Lu. “Functional optical coherence tomography of retinal photoreceptors.” Experimental Biology and Medicine 243, no. 17-18 (2018): 1256-1264. [Full Text]
- Lu, Yiming, Jacopo Benedetti, and Xincheng Yao. “Light-induced length shrinkage of rod photoreceptor outer segments.” Translational Vision Science & Technology 7, no. 6 (2018): 29-29. [Full Text]
- Kim, Tae-Hoon, Taeyoon Son, Yiming Lu, Minhaj Alam, and Xincheng Yao. “Comparative optical coherence tomography angiography of wild-type and rd10 mouse retinas.” Translational vision science & technology 7, no. 6 (2018): 42-42. [Full Text]
- Alam, Minhaj, Devrim Toslak, Jennifer I. Lim, and Xincheng Yao. “Color fundus image guided artery-vein differentiation in optical coherence tomography angiography.” Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 59, no. 12 (2018): 4953-4962. [Full Text]
- Wang, Benquan, Devrim Toslak, Minhaj Nur Alam, R. V. Chan, and Xincheng Yao. “Contact-free trans-pars-planar illumination enables snapshot fundus camera for nonmydriatic wide field photography.” Scientific Reports 8, no. 1 (2018): 1-9.[Full Text]
- Son, Taeyoon, Minhaj Alam, Devrim Toslak, Benquan Wang, Yiming Lu, and Xincheng Yao. “Functional optical coherence tomography of neurovascular coupling interactions in the retina.” Journal of biophotonics 11, no. 12 (2018): e201800089. [Full Text]
- Lu, Yiming, Changgeng Liu, and Xincheng Yao. “In vivo super-resolution imaging of transient retinal phototropism evoked by oblique light stimulation.” Journal of biomedical optics 23, no. 5 (2018): 050502-050502.[Full Text]
- Toslak, Devrim, Changgeng Liu, Minhaj Nur Alam, and Xincheng Yao. “Near-infrared light-guided miniaturized indirect ophthalmoscopy for nonmydriatic wide-field fundus photography.” Optics letters 43, no. 11 (2018): 2551-2554. [Full Text]
- Alam, Minhaj, Taeyoon Son, Devrim Toslak, Jennifer I. Lim, and Xincheng Yao, “Combining optical density ratio and blood vessel tracking for automated artery-vein classification and quantitative analysis in color fundus images”. Translational Vision Science & Technology (TVST) 7(2): 23 (2018) [Full Text]
- Toslak, Devrim, Ali Ayata, Changgeng Liu, Muhammet Kazim Erol, and Xincheng Yao. “Wide-field smartphone fundus video camera based on miniaturized indirect ophthalmoscopy.” Retina (Philadelphia, Pa.) 38, no. 2 (2018): 438. [Full Text]
2017 Heading link
- Alam, Minhaj, Damber Thapa, Jennifer I. Lim, Dingcai Cao, and Xincheng Yao. “Computer-aided classification of sickle cell retinopathy using quantitative features in optical coherence tomography angiography.” Biomedical optics express 8, no. 9 (2017): 4206-4216.[Full Text]
- Thapa, Damber, Benquan Wang, Yiming Lu, Taeyoon Son, and Xincheng Yao. “Enhancement of intrinsic optical signal recording with split spectrum optical coherence tomography.” Journal of modern optics 64, no. 17 (2017): 1800-1807. [Full Text]
- Liu, Changgeng, Damber Thapa, and Xincheng Yao. “Digital adaptive optics confocal microscopy based on iterative retrieval of optical aberration from a guidestar hologram.” Optics Express 25, no. 7 (2017): 8223-8236. [Full Text]
- Alam, Minhaj, Damber Thapa, Jennifer I. Lim, Dingcai Cao, and Xincheng Yao. “Quantitative characteristics of sickle cell retinopathy in optical coherence tomography angiography.” Biomedical optics express 8, no. 3 (2017): 1741-1753. [Full Text]
- Toslak, Devrim, Damber Thapa, Muhammet Kazim Erol, Yanjun Chen, and Xincheng Yao. “Smartphone-based imaging of the corneal endothelium at sub-cellular resolution.” Journal of modern optics 64, no. 12 (2017): 1229-1232. [Full Text]
- Lu, Yiming, Benquan Wang, David R. Pepperberg, and Xincheng Yao. “Stimulus-evoked outer segment changes occur before the hyperpolarization of retinal photoreceptors.” Biomedical optics express 8, no. 1 (2017): 38-47. [Full Text]
2016 Heading link
- Liu, Changgeng , Yanan Zhi, Benquan Wang, Damber Thapa, Yanjun Chen, Minhaj Alam, Yiming Lu, and Xincheng Yao. “In vivo super-resolution retinal imaging through virtually structured detection.” Journal of biomedical optics 21, no. 12 (2016): 120502-120502.[Full Text]
- Wang, Benquan , Yiming Lu, and Xincheng Yao. “In vivo optical coherence tomography of stimulus-evoked intrinsic optical signals in mouse retinas.” Journal of biomedical optics 21, no. 9 (2016): 096010-096010. [Full Text]
- Son, Taeyoon, Benquan Wang, Damber Thapa, Yiming Lu, Yanjun Chen, Dingcai Cao, and Xincheng Yao. “Optical coherence tomography angiography of stimulus evoked hemodynamic responses in individual retinal layers.” Biomedical optics express 7, no. 8 (2016): 3151-3162.[Full Text]
- Zhao, Xiaohui, Damber Thapa, Benquan Wang, Yiming Lu, Shaoyan Gai, and Xincheng Yao. “Stimulus-evoked outer segment changes in rod photoreceptors.” Journal of biomedical optics 21, no. 6 (2016): 065006-065006. [Full Text]
- Toslak, Devrim, Damber Thapa, Yanjun Chen, Muhammet Kazim Erol, RV Paul Chan, and Xincheng Yao. “Trans-palpebral illumination: an approach for wide-angle fundus photography without the need for pupil dilation.” Optics letters 41, no. 12 (2016): 2688-2691. [Full Text]
- Wang, Yan, Ping Chen, Lu Sun, Xin-Cheng Yao, Wei-Wei Liu, and Lie Lin. “Detecting Trace Amounts of Narcotics in Serum by Delayed Luminescence.” Ieee Photonics Journal 8, no. 2 (2016): 1-8.[Full Text]
2015 Heading link
- Zhi, Yanan, Benquan Wang, and Xincheng Yao. “Super-resolution scanning laser microscopy based on virtually structured detection.” Critical Reviews™ in Biomedical Engineering 43, no. 4 (2015). [Full Text]
- Yao, Xincheng, and Benquan Wang. “Intrinsic optical signal imaging of retinal physiology: a review.” Journal of biomedical optics 20, no. 9 (2015): 090901-090901. [Full Text].
- Liu, Bing-Chen, Li-Li Yang, Xiao-Yu Lu, Xiang Song, Xue-Chen Li, Guangping Chen, Yichao Li et al. “Lovastatin-induced phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase diffusion from microvilli stimulates ROMK channels.” Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 26, no. 7 (2015): 1576-1587. [Full Text]
- Zhang, Qiuxiang, Rongwen Lu, Benquan Wang, Jeffrey D. Messinger, Christine A. Curcio, and Xincheng Yao. “Functional optical coherence tomography enables in vivo physiological assessment of retinal rod and cone photoreceptors.” Scientific reports 5, no. 1 (2015): 9595. [Full Text]
- Zhi, Yanan, Rongwen Lu, Benquan Wang, Qiuxiang Zhang, and Xincheng Yao. “Rapid super-resolution line-scanning microscopy through virtually structured detection.” Optics letters 40, no. 8 (2015): 1683-1686.[Full Text]
- Han, Jian, Juan Liu, Xincheng Yao, and Yongtian Wang. “Portable waveguide display system with a large field of view by integrating freeform elements and volume holograms.” Optics express 23, no. 3 (2015): 3534-3549. [Full Text]
- Lu, Rongwen, Qiuxiang Zhang, Yanan Zhi, and Xincheng Yao. “A polarization-sensitive light field imager for multi-channel angular spectroscopy of light scattering in biological tissues.” Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery 5, no. 1 (2015): 1. [Full Text]
1999-2014 Heading link
- B. Wang, R. Lu, Q. Zhang, and X.C. Yao. Functional optical coherence tomography reveals transient phototropic change of photoreceptor outer segments. Optics Letters 39, 6923–6926 (2014) [Full Text]
- B.Q. Wang, R.W. Lu, Q.X. Zhang and X.C. Yao. Breaking diffraction limit of lateral resolution in optical coherence tomography, Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery 3, 243-248 (2013) [Full Text]
- B.Q. Wang, R.W. Lu, Q.X. Zhang, Y.Q. Jiang and X.C. Yao. Enface optical coherence tomography of transient light response at photoreceptor outer segments in living frog eyecup, Optics Letters 38, 4526-4529(2013) [Full Text]
- R.W. Lu, A.L. Levy, Q.X. Zhang, S. Pittler and X.C. Yao. Dynamic near infrared imaging reveals transient phototropic change in retinal rod photoreceptors, Journal of Biomedical Optics 18, 106013 (2013) [Full Text]
- Q.X. Zhang, R.W. Lu, J. D. Messinger, C. A. Curcio, V. Guarcello, and X.C. Yao. In vivo optical coherence tomography of light-driven melanosome translocation in retinal pigment epithelium, Scientific Reports 3, 2644 (2013) [Full Text]
- R.W. Lu, B.Q. Wang, Q.X. Zhang, and X.C. Yao. Super-resolution scanning laser microscopy through virtually structured detection, Biomedical Optics Express 4, 1673-1682 (2013) [Full Text]
- Q.X. Zhang, R.W. Lu, C. A. Curcio, and X. C. Yao. In vivo confocal intrinsic optical signal identification of localized retinal dysfunction. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci53(13):8139-8145 (2012) (Full Text)
- R.W. Lu, C. A. Curcio, Y. Zhang, Q.X. Zhang, S. J. Pittler, D. Deretic, and X. C. Yao. Investigation of the hyper-reflective inner/outer segment band in optical coherence tomography of living frog retina. Journal of Biomedical Optics 17, 060504 (2012) [Full Text]
- Y.C. Li, J. M. Luo, R.W. Lu, K. M. Liu, A. M. Levy, and X.C. Yao. Dynamic intrinsic optical signal monitoring of electrically stimulated inner retinal neural response.Journal of Modern Optics 59, 967-971 (2012) [Full Text]
- X.C. Yao, W.X. Cui, Y.C. Li, W. Zhang, R.W. Lu, A. Thompson, F. Amthor, and X.J. Wang. Functional imaging of glucose-evoked rat islet activities using transient intrinsic optical signals. Journal of Modern Optics 59, 843-847 (2012) [Full Text]
- Q.X. Zhang, Y. Zhang, R.W. Lu, Y. C. Li, S. J. Pittler, T. W. Kraft, and X. C. Yao. Comparative intrinsic optical signal imaging of wild-type and mutant mouse retinas. Optics Express 20,7646-7654 (2012) [Full Text]
- X. C. Yao, and Y. C. Li, Functional imaging of retinal photoreceptors and inner neurons using stimulus-evoked intrinsic optical signals, Methods Mol Biol 884, 277-285 (2012).[Full Text]
- Q.X. Zhang, R.W. Lu, Y. G. Li and X. C. Yao. In vivo confocal imaging of fast intrinsic optical signals correlated with frog retinal activation. Optics letters 36, 4692-4694 (2011) [Full Text]
- R.W. Lu, Y.C. Li, T. Ye, C. Strang, K. Keyser, C. A. Curcio, and X.C. Yao. Two-photon excited autofluorescence imaging of freshly isolated frog retinas, Biomedical Optics Express 2, 1494-1503 (2011) [Full Text]
- R.W. Lu, Q. X. Zhang, and X. C. Yao. Circular polarization intrinsic optical signal recording of stimulus-evoked neural activity, Optics letters 36, 1866-1868 (2011) [Full Text]
- Y.C. Li, W.X. Cui, X.J. Wang, F. Amthor, R.W. Lu, A. Thompson, and X.C. Yao. Intrinsic optical signal imaging of glucose-stimulated insulin secreting β-cells, Optics Express 19, 99-106 (2011) [Full Text]
- Q. X. Zhang, J. Y. Wang, L. Liu, and X. C. Yao. Microlens array recording of localized retinal responses, Optics letters 35, 3838-3840 (2010) [Full Text]
- Y. C. Li, C. Strang, F. R. Amthor, L. Liu, Y. G. Li, Q. X. Zhang, K. Keyser, and X. C. Yao. Parallel optical monitoring of visual signal propagation from the photoreceptors to inner retina layers, Optics letters 35, 1810–1812 (2010) [Full Text]
- Y. G. Li, Q.X. Zhang, L. Liu, F. Amthor, and X. C. Yao. High spatiotemporal resolution imaging of fast intrinsic optical signals activated by retinal flicker stimulation, Optics Express 18, 7210-7218 (2010) [Full Text]
- Y. G. Li, L. Liu, F. Amthor, and X. C. Yao. High speed line-scan confocal imaging of stimulus-evoked intrinsic optical signals in the retina, Optics letters 35,426-428 (2010) [Full text]
- X. C. Yao. Intrinsic optical signal imaging of retinal activation, Japanese Journal of Ophthalmology. Japanese Journal of Ophthalmology53, 327-333 (2009, invited review) [Full Text]
- X. C. Yao, L. Liu, and Y. G. Li, Intrinsic optical signal imaging of retinal activity in frog eye, Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences 2, 201–208 (2009) [Full Text]
- X. C. Yao and Y. B. Zhao. Optical dissection of stimulus-evoked retinal activation, Optics Express 16, 12446-12459 (2008) [Full Text]
- J. L. Schei, M. D. McCluskey, A. J. Foust, X. C. Yao, and D. M. Rector, Action potential propagation imaged with high temporal resolution near-infrared video microscopy and polarized light, Neuroimage 40, 1034-1043 (2008).[Full Text]
- Y.B. Zhao and X.C. Yao. Intrinsic optical imaging of stimulus-modulated physiological responses in amphibian retina. Optics Letters 33, 342-344 (2008) [Full Text]
- X.C. Yao and J.S. George. Near infrared imaging of fast intrinsic optical responses in visible light-activated amphibian retina. Journal of Biomedical Optics11, 064030 (2006)
- X.C. Yao and J.S. George. Dynamic neuroimaging of retinal light responses using fast intrinsic optical signals. Neuroimage. 33:898-906 (2006)
- X.C. Yao, A. Foust, D.M. Rector, B. Barrowes and J.S. George. Cross-polarized reflected light measurement of fast optical responses associated with neural activation. Biophysical Journal 88, 4170-4177. (2005)
- X.C. Yao, A.M. Yamauchi, B. Perry and J.S. George. Rapid optical coherence tomography and recording scattering changes from activated frog retina. Applied Optics 44, 2019-2023. (2005)
- X.C. Yao and D.Z. Zhang. Micro-rotation by flow-induced torque in an optical trap. Optical Review 11, 4-6. (2004)
- X.C. Yao and A. Castro. Optical trapping microfabrication using electrophoretically-delivered particles inside glass capillaries. Optics Letter 28, 1335-1337. (2003)
- X.C. Yao, D.M. Rector and J.S. George. Optical lever recording of displacements from activated lobster nerve bundles and Nitella internodes. Applied Optics 42, 2972-2978. (2003)
- H.L. Guo, X.C. Yao, Z.L. Li, X.H. Han, B.Y. Cheng and D.Z. Zhang. Measurements of displacement and trapping force on micron-sized particles in optical tweezers system. Science in China (Series A) 45, 919-925. (2002)
- H.L. Guo, X.C. Yao, Z.L. Li, X.H. Han, B.Y. Cheng and D.Z. Zhang. Measurements of displacement and trapping force on micron-sized particles in optical tweezers system. Science in China (Series A) (Chinese Version) 32, 97-102. (2002)
- X.C. Yao, Z.L. Li, H.L. Guo, B.Y. Cheng and D.Z. Zhang. A new method with CCD subpixel resolution. Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument 23, 60-63. (2002)
- X.C. Yao, Z.L. Li, H.L. Guo, B.Y. Cheng, X.H. Han and D.Z. Zhang. Study on optical trap steering system. Optics and precision engineering 9, 55-58. (2001)
- X.C. Yao, Z.L. Li, H.L. Guo, B.Y. Cheng, D.Z. Zhang. Effects of spherical aberration on optical trapping forces for Rayleigh particles. Chinese Physics Letter18, 432-434. (2001)
- X.C. Yao, Z.L. Li, H.L. Guo, B.Y. Cheng, X.H. Han and D.Z. Zhang. Effect of spherical aberration introduction by water solution on trapping force. Chinese Physics 9, 824-826. (2000)
- X.C. Yao, Z.L. Li, B.Y. Cheng, X.H. Han and D.Z. Zhang. Increasing transverse stability of optical tweezers by using dual-Gaussian beam profile. Chinese Physics9, 65-68. (2000)
- X.C. Yao, Z.L. Li, B.Y. Cheng and D.Z. Zhang. Analysis and calculation of the optical force on a double-layer dielectric sphere. Acta Optica Sinica 20, 1305-1310. (2000)
- S.W. Xu, X.C. Yao, L. Fu. Analysis for the influence of image motion on push-broom TDI-CCD imaging. Opto-Electroic Engineering 26, 60-63. (1999)
Book chapters: Heading link
- X. C. Yao. ‘Intrinsic optical signal imaging of stimulus-evoked activities in the retina’. in Advanced Biophotonics: slicing tissue with photons. Ed. Valery Tuchin and Ricky Wang. (2012)
- D. M. Rector, X. C. Yao, R. M. Harper, and J. S. George. ‘In-Vivo Observations of Rapid Scattered Light Changes Associated with Electrical Events’. in In Vivo Optical Imaging of Brain Function, Second Edition (Frontiers in Neuroscience).,Ed. Ron Frostig (2009)