Functional OCT of retinal neurovascular coupling
Retinal neurodegenerative diseases, including age-related macular degeneration (AMD), retinitis pigmentosa (RP), diabetic retinopathy (DR), and glaucoma, can cause significant vision loss without timely medical interventions. Moreover, as part of the central nervous system (CNS), the retina is also affected by other neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases, which are the primary causes of dementia. Early detection of these conditions is crucial for studying and developing preventive strategies. Functional imaging of neurovascular coupling defects promises early detection of neurodegeneration, but direct access to the brain for high-resolution examination is challenging. The retina provides a unique window for high-resolution study of neurovascular coupling defects. Recent advances in functional optical coherence tomography (OCT) have enabled imaging of transient intrinsic optical signal (IOS) changes correlated with stimulus-activated retinal neural activity and hemodynamic response. Functional OCT of neurovascular coupling holds the potential for high spatiotemporal resolution methodology to investigate coherent interactions between neural activities and hemodynamic changes in the retina, offering a promising tool for early detection and better management of neurodegenerative diseases.
Figure Heading link

Fig. 1. Differential phase mapping (DPM) and DPM IOS. (A) A flow chart of amplitude OCT and differential phase mapping (DPM) processing. Representative OCT amplitude image (B), corresponding phase map (C), unwrapped phase map (D), and DPM (E). (F) Flattened amplitude (F1) and DPM (F2) images corresponding to the yellow rectangular areas in (B) and (E). The blue and red curves show the waveform profiles of the amplitude image and DPM. (G) Schematic diagram of differential phase interpretation. (H) Amplitude image sequence. (I) DPM sequence. (J) Amplitude-IOS sequence. (K) Phase-IOS sequence. For more details, please see here.
Current development and future direction Heading link
Functional imaging of animal models
Our team, under the guidance of Dr. Xincheng Yao, has been extensively involved in functional IOS imaging since 2005. Our research has included the observation of the IOS from the outer retina (photoreceptor) to the inner retina (GCL, IPL, and OPL) in order to better understand the mechanisms involved in phototransduction. In addition to observing the IOS, we have also investigated the signal source of IOS from the outer retina using OCT and microscopy. Our research has aimed to identify the underlying mechanisms that generate IOS signals in order to develop IOS as a diagnostic biomarker to detect various retina diseases.
Based on our findings, we have attempted to demonstrate the feasibility of using IOS imaging to detect various retina diseases, including retina degeneration and Alzheimer’s Disease, using multiple disease mouse models. By using these models, we hope to identify potential biomarkers for early diagnosis and better understanding of the underlying mechanisms of these diseases. We also investigated hemodynamic IOS together with neural IOS for neurovascular coupling assessment.
Functional imaging of humans
The aim of human IOS imaging is to discover new biomarkers that enable early detection of retinal disease. In our study, we successfully demonstrated the feasibility of non-mydriatic IOS mapping of retinal photoreceptors in conscious human subjects. By using depth-resolved optical coherence tomography, we were able to verify the anatomic origin of the fast photoreceptor-IOS and understand the mechanism of the rapid photoreceptor-IOS response. Furthermore, our study showed that it is possible to conduct simultaneous optical coherence tomography of amplitude-IOS and phase-IOS changes in human photoreceptors, which can be attributed to transient changes in outer segment morphology associated with phototransduction activation.
Future directions
Our research has laid a solid foundation for further exploration and development of neural and hemodynamic IOS imaging techniques for both animal and human study, which has the potential to revolutionize the diagnosis and treatment of retina diseases. We are seeking to expand our research to develop a novel functional ophthalmic imaging technology.
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